7.2 The Airport and The Environment
Noise Pollution There are several environmental factors in the aviation industry that can have quite an impact. Environmental factors are aspects, such as temperature, light, sound, pollutants, population density, and more, that can impede human health and wellness. Three specific and significant environmental categories are air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution. Today, I will be focusing on noise pollution. Noise pollution is an invisible danger. Noise which is produced by aircrafts in flight is associated with numerous negative stresses facilitated health effects. Aviation can has come a long way in several qualities but particularly technology-wise. Turboprops that used to power aircrafts were loud and noisy, over time, this improved but there is no doubt they still continue to make a disturbance. There have been numerous studies done to show exactly how significant noise pollution is harmful. A specific study done by the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydne...